

SEBI Registered Research Analyst Registration No. INH1000012236


Disclosure Document

The particulars given in this Disclosure Document have been prepared in accordance with SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014.

The purpose of the Document is to provide essential information about the Research and recommendation Services in a manner to assist and enable the perspective client/client in 

making an informed decision for engaging in Research and recommendation services before investing.

For the purpose of this Disclosure Document, Research Analyst is Narender Singh Singhmar, (hereinafter referred as “Research Entity”)

A. Descriptions about “Research Entity”

• History, Present business and Background

           Research Entity is registered with SEBI as Research Analyst with Registration No. INH1000012236. The firm got its registration on April 12, 2023 and is engaged in research 

           and recommendation Services. The focus of Research entity is to provide research and recommendations services to the clients. Analyst aligns its interests with those of 

           the client and seeks to provide the best suited services.

• Terms and conditions of Research and Recommendation Services

           Terms and conditions of Research and Recommendation Services are detailed in the terms and condition document. Please refer to the same for details.

• Disciplinary history

i. No penalties have been issued by SEBI under the SEBI Act or Regulations made there under against the Research entity, 

                         Research Analyst or its associates or relatives.

ii. There are no pending material litigations or legal proceedings, findings of inspections or investigations for which action has 

                         been taken or initiated by any regulatory authority against the Research entity, Research Analyst or its associates or relatives.

Details of its associates

No Associates

B. Disclosures with respect to Research and Recommendations Services

Research entity or Research Analyst or his associate or his relative may have financial interest or actual / beneficial ownership of one per cent 

                or more in the securities recommended in its personal portfolio at the end of the month immediately preceding the date of publication of the 

                research report or date of the public appearance. Details of the same may be referred through the disclosures made at the time of advice.

There are no actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from any connection of Research entity or Research Analyst or his associate or 

                his relative to or association with any issuer of products/ securities, including any material information or facts that might compromise its 

                objectivity or independence in the carrying on of Research Analyst services. Such conflict of interest shall be disclosed to the client as and 

                when they arise.

Research analyst or research entity or its associates or relatives, may have actual/beneficial ownership of one per cent or more securities of 

                the subject company, at the end of the month immediately preceding the date of publication of the research report or date of the public 

                appearance or research recommendation. Details of the same may be referred through the disclosures made at the time of advice.

Research entity or Research analyst or its associate or relatives has no connection or association of any sort with any issuer of products

                / securities recommended herein.

Research analyst or his associate or his relative has no actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from any connection to or association 

                with any issuer of products/ securities, including any material information or facts that might compromise its objectivity or independence in the 

                carrying on of research and recommendations services.

Research entity or Research analyst or its associates has not received any kind of remuneration or consideration form the 

                products/ securities recommended herein.

Research entity or Research analyst or its associates have not received any compensation from the subject company in 

                past 12 months.

Research entity or Research analyst or its associates have not managed or co- managed the public offering of Subject Company 

                in past 12 months.

Research entity or Research analyst or its associates have not received any compensation for investment banking or merchant banking

                of brokerage services from the subject company in past 12 months.

Research entity or Research analyst or its associates have received any compensation for products or services other than investment banking

                or merchant banking or brokerage 

                services from the subject company in the past twelve months

Research entity or Research analyst or its associates have not received any compensation or other benefits from the subject company or third

                party in connection with the research report or research recommendations.

Research entity or Research analyst or its associates have not received any compensation for products or services from the subject 

                company in past 12 months.

The subject company is or was not a client of Research entity or Research analyst or its associates during twelve months preceding the 

                date of distribution of the research report and recommendation services provided.

Research Analysts or its associates has not served as an officer, director or employee of the subject company.

Research Analysts has not been engaged in market making activity of the subject company




Narender Singh Singhmar

SEBI Registered Research Analyst Registration No. INH1000012236